But that’s just the beginning: with cross-selling functions, you can increase your sales by recom­mending suitable items in a targeted manner. At fresh food counters, you can shorten waiting times while offering infor­mative or enter­taining content that keeps your customers’ attention.

Our solutions go even further: adapt adver­tising content in real time? No problem! Respond to changes in the weather, daily events or stock levels. This keeps your adver­tising relevant and up-to-date at all times. At the same time, POS data analyses provide valuable insights:
Which products are searched for partic­u­larly often or which products are inter­acted with a lot? These insights help you to optimize your product ranges and place­ments and optimize your sales strategy based on data.

A fully digitalized shopping experience, such as in the wine department, also ensures real excitement. Matching wine recom­men­da­tions to the chosen dish, combined with the right music and lighting mood, create an atmos­phere in which your customers feel comfortable and are happy to linger. Inter­active displays also provide your employees with conve­nient tools to promote products in a targeted manner and provide expert advice.

Transform your store into a world of experience that inspires your customers and increases your sales. With innov­ative solutions, we will lead your food retail business into the digital age – efficiently, emotionally and with lasting success.