1. Digital signage at fresh food counters: Digital screens are used at the counters for meat, sausage, cheese and fish. These displays show content that changes in real time, such as Current offers and promo­tions, product infor­mation on origin, quality and freshness, recipe ideas and sugges­tions for the menu. The dynamic presen­tation draws the customer’s attention to specific products, which encourages sponta­neous purchasing decisions.
  2. Central control and flexi­bility: content can be controlled centrally and adapted across all stores. This makes it possible to react quickly to changes in the product range, seasonal condi­tions or current trends – without the effort of manual adjust­ments on site. The days of costly paper adver­tising and constant printing costs are now a thing of the past.
  3. Individual customer approach: Targeted approach takes into account different regional customer prefer­ences. In combi­nation with data-supported insights (e.g. based on sales figures or times of day), the content is optimally tailored to the respective target group.
  4. Sustain­ability: The elimi­nation of paper adver­tising reduces waste and print emissions, which not only saves costs but also contributes to the company’s sustain­ability strategy.
  • Increased buying impulses: The visual and emotional appeal of digital displays increases attention and awakens the desire for fresh products.
  • Increased efficiency: Central control saves time and reduces errors in price and offer commu­ni­cation. Adjust­ments can be made in real time, e.g. in the event of product shortages or new promotions.
  • Customer experience and trust: Trans­parency about products (e.g. regional origin) and creative recipe ideas boost customer confi­dence. A modern image under­lines the company’s innov­ative strength.
  • Cost savings: In the long term, invest­ments pay for themselves through the elimi­nation of printing costs and the automation of processes.

K+K shows how digital­ization can become a real compet­itive advantage in food retail. By using digital signage and centrally controlled content, the company is taking its customer approach to a new level. Fresh products at the counters are put in the spotlight, and the flexi­bility of the solution allows customer needs to be addressed in a targeted manner.
This concept not only under­lines K+K’s innov­ative strength, but also strengthens customer loyalty to the brand. A decisive factor in a highly compet­itive market.

The intro­duction of the digital signage solution at K+K Super­markets has not only taken commu­ni­cation with customers to a new level, but has also signif­i­cantly improved efficiency and flexi­bility throughout the company. The use of this technology achieves important compet­itive advan­tages, both in addressing customers and in optimizing costs and resources.
Industry studies show that digital signage in retail can lead to signif­icant increases in sales. At K+K Super­markets, this effect is partic­u­larly evident through the targeted placement of special promo­tions, product infor­mation and visual highlights. The use of dynamic content such as seasonal offers, price promo­tions and freshness highlights draws customers’ attention to certain products and encourages impulse purchases. With digital signage technology, K+K Super­markets can react quickly and flexibly to customer wishes and market devel­op­ments. Changes or adjust­ments to the displayed content can be made in real time. Be it due to price changes, new product offers or special promo­tions. This flexi­bility makes it possible to react immedi­ately to current market trends or changes in demand, which strengthens the company’s competitiveness.

Working with a long-established company like K+K shows how digital solutions can bring tangible improve­ments even in estab­lished markets – for customers, employees and the company itself.