Production Studio, Control Room, Location Manager

vir2cloud® is a revolu­tionary all-in-one software platform that offers all the necessary functions for managing and playing media.
With many additional functions, such as lighting control, event management and
on-the-fly person­al­ization, every­thing is combined in a single, smart and future-proof platform with unsur­passed user-friendliness.

Efficiency and trans­parency
in real time.

We rely on state-of-the-art technologies such as artificial intel­li­gence (AI) to guarantee not only innovation, but above all efficiency and measurable results.
Our aim is for our customers to be able to trans­par­ently track
how successful their investment is.
Thanks to seamless inter­faces to POS systems and merchandise management software (P.I.M.), we offer a detailed overview of the ROI (return on investment) of each individual display in real time – immedi­ately and online.
No other provider on the market offers this depth of analysis.